

  • 新樂園跨領域藝術節,新樂園,台北,台灣



  • 〝PROJECT 1- P_A_U_S_E, _止_〞第四屆光州雙年展,光州,韓國


“I’m sorry”,

no more than an interjection,

a “ooh”, a voice-over in a farce while

the passerby gets a pie on his face, or

on a commercial channel while

J loses weight of

tens of  pounds

with their magical body-shaping band

[Cinderella she incarnates]


Or no more than an impotent eye

to behold the world we never see through

a refined curve little white ball makes at far top of T’s head  [a hole in one!]

a rainbow rising on his face [with its immovable promise]

yeah…we’ll do keep our words, “ I’m sorry,” if it could be a promise

true as the sizzles on the burning land chaps when the first tempest comes


but it may be to more extent

“a tongue which mothers metaphors” [merely as a metaphor itself ]

misty as mist a pair of smoky eyes wear

steep as a steep her toes descend, the quiet long cape in blue high heels


innocent we be

Make “seeing is believing” the best

the artistic

the cheapest [most economical]

the purest purist everything

meadow to dwell in

heroics we deed

Take giant steps to

no where



後八—幸福社區 在亂世中做人 走在捷徑上的後八

  • 〝輕且重的震撼〞台北當代美術館開館展,台北當代美術館,台北,台灣


後八—幸福社區 摸蛤仔兼洗褲之今夜星光燦爛

  • 文賢油漆工程行,台南,台灣


後八—幸福社區 總體勤勉之含淚收割 重輻射,危險勿近

  • 伊通公園,台北,台灣


後八—幸福社區 總體戰略之歡笑與淚水 藝術周邊商品熱賣發表會

  • 在地實驗,台北,台灣